Capital: Budapest
Geographical size: 93 024 km2
Population: 9 879 000 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Hungarian
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 May 2004
Currency: Hungarian Forint HUF 

Budapest is the capital and the largest city of Hungary, andone of the largest cities in the European Union. It is the country's principal politicalculturalcommercialindustrial, and transportation centre of Hungary.According to the census, in 2011 Budapest had 1.74 million inhabitants

  •  Sandor palace:  The Sándor Palace (Sándor-palota) was built in 1803 in neo classical style, by architect Mihály Pollack. During the Second World War, it was seriously damaged but after the fall of communism, it was restored to its original state. Today the Palace is home to the President of the Republic of Hungary. Occasionally on summer weekends, the palace opens its gates for tourists.
  •  Matthias church: Matthias Church is one of the best-known buildings of the city: it dominates the skyline of Buda's Castle Hill with the gleaming Matthias Tower, its colorful roof tiles, and Fishermen’s Bastion in front of it. After years of hard work, the neo-Gothic cathedral awaits visitors renewed, in its full beauty. 
  • National Theatre: The National Theatre hosts every dancing company  in the city, including the national ballet company and the Budapest Dance Theatre.

  • Hungarian national gallery (Magyar Nemzeti Galéria:) is the largest public collection of the fine arts in Hungary. If you only have time for one museum, the National Gallery is the ideal choice in an ideal location
  • Budapest historian museumThe Budapest Historian museum has three  sections to explain the Budapest History. There are three different collections in this museum:  The Roman Antiquities collection,  The Medieval collection and Modern Age collection.


  • Gulyás:  Also known as: goulash – the national dish of Hungary. Goulash is traditionally  made from a meat stew with noodles and vegetables, seasoned with paprika and other sorts of spices. 
  • Lángos: Lángos is thin bread made with flour, water and salt. It is frequently topped with mashed potatoes, sour cream yogurt, grated cheese, ham or sausages. 
