Capital: Copenhagen
Geographical size: 42 921 km²
Population: 5 627 235 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Danish
Political system: parliamentary constitutional monarchy
EU member state since: 1 January 1973
Currency: Danish krone DKK


Copenhagen is the capital and the populous city  of Denmark  with 591,481 inhabitants.


  • Tivoli gardens: Tivoli Gardens is a famous amusement park in Copenhagen. The park opened on 15 August 1843 and is the second-oldest operating amusement park in the world. Some of it most famous rides are:
    • The wooden roller coasterRutschebanen. 
    • Another roller coaster, Dæmonen (The Demon)
    • The world's second tallest carouselThe Star Flyer, opened in  2006.
  • The sculpture of The Little Mermaid: At Langelinje Pier you will find one of Copenhagen's most famous tourist attractions: The sculpture of The Little Mermaid. 23 August 2013 she turned 100 years old.The sculpture is made of bronze and granite and was inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale 
  • Amalienborg Palace: This palace is made up of four beautiful buildings. It is considered one of the greatest works of Danish Rococco architecture and was constructed in the 18th century.

  • ARKEN Museum: ARKEN is a monumental building situated , Køge Bay Beach, south of Copenhagen. The museum has one of Scandinavia's finest collections of contemporary art. ARKEN's collection contains more than 400 works 
  • Hirschsprung: Hirschsprung museum gives home to a unique collection n of Danish art from the 19th and early 20th centuries. It contains  a selection of the most important works by masters such as Eckersberg, Købke, Krøyer and Hammershøi.

  • Dyrlægens natmad: It consist of  a piece of dark  bread, a layer of  pâté , topped with a slice of salted beef and a slice of meat jelly. This is all decorated with raw onion rings and garden cress
  • Røget laks: It consist of Slices of cold-smoked salmon on white bread, usually topped with shrimp and decorated with a slice of lemon and fresh dill
Ida Davidsen - Dyrlægens Natmad.jpg
