Capital: Vilnius
Geographical size: 65 300 km2
Population: 2 943 472 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Lithuanian
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 May 2004
Currency:  Euro. 

Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania and its largest city, with a population of 542,664 as of 2015. Vilnius is located in the southeast part of Lithuania and is the second largest city in theBaltic states.

  • Open kitchen market: The Open Kitchen is a street food market, organised every Friday during the summer in a lovely outdoor market. There are many different restaurants offering food. 
  • St. Nicholas Church:  Vilnius was (and still is) a very religious city with more than 40 churches open to visitors, though St. Nicholas Church is  the oldest church in the whole of Lithuanian people say that it is the oldest building in Vilnius!
  • Bernardine Gardens: The Bernardine Gardens (Sereikiškės Park) are the calm  in the heart of the town. In this garden there are different attractions like: the River Vilnelė, fountains, old trees, some botanical gardens ....

File:La statue de Mindaugas devant le musée national (Vilnius) (7704435402).jpg
  • Nacionalinė Dailės Galerija | National Gallery of Art: It's a great place to introduce yourself to Lithuanian art and its history. In this museum ther are historical Lithuanian art pieces. It is a very spacious and luminous building. 
  • Vilnius Picture Gallery: It is located in a beautiful and spacious old park. This museum covers Lithuanian art from the 16th to the 20th century. There is a very big tower outside which is one symbol of Vilnius. Visitors can climb this tower, or use the elevator, to admire the amazing views.

  • Bulvinių kukulių sriuba: It is made from minced potatoes formed into small balls, and boiled in milk. 
  • Saltibarščiai (cold beetroot soup): It is made from beetroot, kefir (a fermented milk product), greens and boiled eggs. This dish is usually serverd on summer. 
