Capital: Tallinn
Geographical size: 45 227 km2
Population: 1 315 819 (2014)
Official EU language: Estonian
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 May 2004
Currency: Euro. 


Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It has a population of  40,043. Approximately 32% of Estonia's total population lives in Tallinn. It is situated on the northern coast of the country. Tallinn's Old Town is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • Lahema national park: These are some things that visitors can do in the Lahema national park:
    • Discover northern Estonia’s beautiful coastline
    • Walk through magical forestland past wild rivers and waterfalls
    • Explore an abandoned Soviet submarine base
    • Visit several quaint Estonian villages
    • Get to know the local wildlife on Lahemaa’s beaver trail (optional)
  • Patarei prision:  Patarei Prison is a fascinating waterfront place that's only open from May to September. IT was built in 1840 and shut down in 2005. Nowadays within its walls you'll find the prison bar serving cheap beer and snacks.
  • Kadriog palace: Kadriorg Palace was built in 1725.  It is a beautiful baroque building designed by the Italian architect Niccolo Michetti. Today it serves as an art museum. In this museum there are a lot of foreign works of art from the 16th to the 20th century. It was reopened in February 2013. 

  • Niguliste museum: This church was buil in 1230. Nowadays it is as a museum. There are pieces of art of the last seven centuries (700 years) and the church itself is an example of medieval architecture.
  • Energy discovery centre: The energy discovery centre offers:  exibitions,  a virtual planetarium and a science theatre. In this museum science are fun! In Energy Discovery Center everyone can feel as a scientist. Its interactive exhibits enable you to try out and see how energy is created and manipulated or how sound travels or how different perspectives affect your vision....

  • Homemade black bread: Black bread plays is very popular in Estonian culture. There are hundreds of superstitions and traditions accompanying bread in Estonia. For example, it is said that if you drop bread, you cannot throw it away, you have to pick it up, kiss it and then continue eating. 

  • Kiluvoileib (sprat sandwich): it is a sandwich made of grayish fish laying on top of blackk bread, sometimes accompanied by a boiled egg.  
