Capital: Athens
Geographical size: 131 957 km²
Population: 10 992 589 (2014) 
Official EU language(s): Greek
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 January 1981
Currency: Euro.  


Athens is the capital and largest city of has a population of 3,090,508 people.  

  • Acropolis and Parthenon: 

  1. The Acropolis is the most important ancient site in the Western world. The Acropolis is crowned by the Parthenon. 
  2. The Parthenon is the most famous temple of the Acropolis and stands over Athens (it is visible from almost everywhere in the city). Acropolis’ monuments and temples look white in the midday sun and gradually turn into a honey tone as the sun goes down. At night the Acropolis is illuminated and stands brilliantly above the city.

  • Agora: The centre of ancient Athens was the Agora, the focal point of administrative, commercial, political and social activity. Socrates exposed his philosophy here, and in AD 49 St Paul came here to win converts to Christianity. The site today houses beautiful monuments, temples and a fascinating museum 

  • Nathional archeological museum: One of the world’s most important museums, in the National Archaeological Museum there is the world's finest collection of Greek antiquities. It offers a view of Greek art and history – dating from the Neolithic era to classical periods – include exquisite sculptures, pottery, jewellery, frescoes and artefacts found in Greece. 
  • Agora museum: The Agora Museum was built in the Stoa of Attalos: a covered walkway, built by King Attalos II of Pergamum (159–138 BC). In the museum there are a model of the Agora and a collection of finds from the site.


  • Gyro: Similiar to Kebab. A Gyro is when the meat is roasted vertically turning on the spit. Slices of roasted meat  are placed in pita with typical accessories –tzatziki (sauce), tomatoes, onions, lettuce and often french fries/chips. They are cheap and so yummy!
  • Mousaka: It’s like a pasta-free lasagne. Sautéed eggplant, minced meat, tomato, onion, garlic, potato, béchamel sauce and grilled cheese, layered and usually covered with cheese. 
