Capital: London
Geographical size: 248 528 km²
Population: 64 308 261 (2014)
Official EU language(s): English
Political system: parliamentary constitutional monarchy
EU member country since: 1 January 1973
Currency:  pound sterling GBP. 

London is the capital and most populous city of England and the United Kingdom. Standing on the River Thames in the south east of Great Britain, London is on of the most multicultural cities in Europe. In  2011 had a population of 7,375, 

  • London Eye:  the London Eye is one of the world's biggest observation wheels.  A circuit on the London Eye will show you all the city's sights in 30 minutes. The London Eye wheel is made by 32 capsules. Each of the 32 capsules is equipped with a touchscreen to explain what you're looking at. 
  • Big Ben: Big Ben is the nickname of the clock at the north tower of the Palace of Westminster. The real and official name of this tower is Elisabeth tower, but is more popularly known as Big Ben. The big ben was built in 1860 to replace the original clock, destroyed by fire in 1834.
  • Buckingham palace: is the home of Elizabeth II (the Queen of England). As the home of the Queen, the palace is usually closed to visitors, but it is opened a short period each summer while the Queen and the King are on their holidays. Visitors are able to see the State Rooms and part of the gardens. At any time of year, you can visit The Queen's Gallery to see her personal collection of treasures.

  • British museum: It is one of the world's oldest museums. The British Museum is giant and its collections comprise millions of objects. There are different attractions like: the mummies, the Rosetta Stone, Lindow Man, the Lewis Chessmen and the Sutton Hoo ship burial.
  • National gallery: it was founded in 1824 to display a collection of just 36 paintings. Today in the National Gallery there are more than 2,000 works. There are masterpieces from every European school of art like: Italian Renaissance masterpieces by Correggio, Titian and Raphael, Italian and Spanish Old Masters, works by the French Impressionists and post-Impressionists…

  • Fish and chips is a hot dish of English origin. It consist of fried fish ususally cod or haddok , and chips. It is one of the most typical dishes in England and people usually have it as a take-away food (not to eat in a restaurant). 
  • English breakfast tea:  a combination of different kind of teas originating from AssamCeylon and Kenya. It is one of the most popular blended teas and the most common form of tea in British culture
