Capital: Stockholm
Geographical size: 438 574 km2
Population: 9 644 864 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Swedish
Political system: parliamentary constitutional monarchy
EU member country since: 1 January 1995
Currency Swedish krona SEK 


Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and the most populous city in the Nordic region, with 923,516 people living in the city. 


  • Kungliga Slottet (the Royal Palace): Kungliga Slotter was built on the ruins of the Kronor Castle, which burned down in 1697. A section of the castle survived the fire and was incorporated into the new building.  The main attractions are: the Karl XI Gallery, Queen Kristina's silver throne and the few items rescued from the Kronor fire.
  • Djurgärden: Djurgärden is a big park situated on an island close to central Stockholm.  Djurgården is home to historical buildings and monuments, museums, galleries, the amusement park Gröna Lund, the open-air museum Skansen and a small residential area. 
  • Stadhuset (townhall): The Stadhuset is one of the biggest buildings in Stockholm. tourists are able to see it in guided tours. One of the star attractions of this tour is the astonishing Golden Hall, in which scenes from Swedish history are represented on the walls in a 18 million  pieces mosaic.


  • Nobelmuseet: The Nobel museum opened in 2001 to conmemorate the centenary of the Nobel Prizes. It is two theatres showing short films about the winners, television clips about the prizes, a computer room, a lab...
  • Nationalmuseet: The national museum is Sweeden's largest art museum. it houses paintings, sculptures, drawings and decorative arts, dating from the Middle Ages to the present. There are works by Rembrandt, Rubens and Goya.


  • Gravlax: Gravlax is raw salmon, cured in salt, sugar and dill. It is usually served as an apetiser, sliced thinly and accompained hovmästarsäs (dill and mustard sauce), either on bread, or with boiled potatoes.

  • Janssons frestelse (Jason's Temptation): Janssons frestelse is a traditional Swedish dish that consist of mixing potatoes, onions, anchovies  pickled spratsbread crumbs and cream.
