Population: 2 061 085 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Slovenian
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 May 2004
Seats in the European Parliament: 8
Currency: Euro. 


Ljubljana is the capital and largest city of Slovakia. It has a population of 227.584 people.


  • Ljubljana Castle: The Ljubljana Castle is located on a 375-metre-high hill. It dates to the early 16th century when it was rebuilt after a devastating earthquake. It’s free to ramble around the castle grounds, but you’ll have to pay to visit  the Watchtower, the Chapel of St George and the Exhibition on Slovenian History.

  • Dragon Bridge: It is a road bridge that crosses the Ljubljana river. Four green dragons, two on each side, stand proudly to  guard the bridge. The Dragon Bridge is one of the most well known sights of the city, and also one of the most beautiful bridges in Ljubljana.  

  • The Ursuline Church: The Ursuline Church is located just opposite the Congress Square. It has an undulating roof and yellow columns in the front facade. Its colours make it one of the most beautiful and original baroque churches in Europe


  • Slovenski etnografski muzej (The slovene Ethnographic museum): The slovene Ethnographic museum is a museum about Slovene people, their culture, their traditions, their history... There are different exhibitions and also there is a gift shop, a cafe and a public library. 

  • Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje Ljubljana ( Architectural Museum of Ljubljana): The Architectural Museum of Ljubljana is the most importan museum for architecture in Slovenia. There are different temporary exhibtions from the field of architecture, design and photography.  

  • Bled cream cake: A cream slice made of leaves of dough, filled with vainilla and sweet cream. It was invented after the second World War.

  • Štruklji: This is one of the most characteristic dishes, known all over Slovenia. Štruklji can be filled with a lot of things, for example: cottage cheese, walnut, apple.. They can be baked or cooked, sweet or savory. 
