Capital: Bucharest
Geographical size: 238 391 km2
Population: 19 942 642 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Romanian
Political system: semi-presidential republic
EU member country since: 1 January 2007
Currency Romanian Leu RON

Bucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania, as well as its cultural, industrial, and financial centre. It is located in the southeast of the country.According to the 2011 census, 1,883,425 inhabitants live within the city limits.


  • Garajul Ciclop: The Garjul Ciclop was originally a garage in the 1920s when many Romanians started buying cars. Nowadays you can see some  amazing street art in it. There are murals  by some of the city’s best graffiti artists.
  • Ion Voicu Park: Located in a quiet neighbourhood, this little park is the perfect place to take a relaxing break. It is inspired by English and French gardens, there are a pavilion, a bridge and a a lot of statues.
  • Saint Nicholas Church: Saint Nicholas Church, often referred to as the Students’ Church. It was built in 1905. It is a unique piece of art nouveau. 

  • Sighet Memorial Exhibition: Although Bucharest was under communist rule for more than 40 years, it still doesn’t have a proper museum of communism. This is just and exhibition. The exihibition focuses on crimes committed by communists in Romania. This is one of the only places in the city where you can find authentic and uncensored information about communism in Romania.
  • National museum: There is an excellent collection of maps, statues and ancient jewels and a replica of the 2nd-century Trajan’s Column. There is a very popular piece  located outside the museum: a controversial (and funny) Statue of Emperor Trajan standing naked holding a wolf.

  • Chiftele: Chiftele  are defined as large fried meatballs generously spiced with garlic, dill salt and pepper. They can be eaten also marinated in tomato sauce with mashed potatoes or rice as side dish. Most of the time, they are made of pork, but variations refer to beef or chicken meatballs.
  • Mititei:  Mititei are the favorite grilled rolls of the Romanian people. It consist of a mix of minced pork, beef and lamb. Mititei are usually eaten  dipped in mustard. Tourists can easily see the popularity of this dish while walking around in Bucharest. All the restautrants include mititei on their menus. 
