Political system: semi-presidential republic
EU member country since: 1 January 1986
Is the capital and the largest city of Portugal, with a population of 552,700.

- The Chapel of St. John: Is the world's most expensive chapel. It is a baroque chapel. It is full of gold ornamentation and amazing mosaics.
- St. George's castle: From the towers of this castle you have a bird's-eye
view of the city. Inside there is a small
archaeological museum and down the hill are a couple of terraces with perfect
postcard views.
- Parque das nacoes: Contrasting
with the city's oldest neighborhoods, this district shows contemporary architecturre. In this park there is an aquarium, there is also a casino.

- Ancient art museum: In this museum there is a fascinating collection of Oriental and and European art. Much of it is related to the Age of Discovery, illustrating Portugal's links with Asia and Africa.
- Berardo museum: A Portuguese millionaire has put together one of Europe's greatest modern art collections. In this collection there are works works by Andy Warhol, Picasso, and Dali among others. Best of all, it's free
- Pasteis de Belem O Pasteis de nata: It is a custard tart, very popular
in Lisbon. This tart or cake is often dusted with cinnamon and powdered sugar. The
only place to go for the original is the Antiga Confeitaria de Belem, on the western edge of the city in which Pastéis
de Belém are made from a secret recipe....
- Carne de porco alentejana: pork
cooked with clams that simmer in their juices and are served up with roasted
potatoes. The dish—from the southern Alentejo province,—actually tastes far
better than it sounds, especially when accompanied by an Alentejo wine.

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