Capital: Warsaw
Geographical size: 312 679 km2
Population: 38 495 659 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Polish
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 May 2004
Seats in the European Parliament: 51
Currency: Polish Złoty PLN


Warsaw  is the capital and largest city of Poland. It stands on theVistula River in east-central Poland


Wilanów Palace, Warsaw, Poland
  • Wilanów palace: Warsaw’s most popular palace is Wilanów (vee-lah -noof). The highlights of this visit include the Grand Entrance Hall, the Grand Dining Room, the Gallery of Polish Portraits and a collection of paintings from the 16th to 19th centuries. 
  • Royal Palace: This big brick edifice is a copy of the original which was blown up by the Nazis in World War II. It was constructed as the residence of Mazovia's dukes. Today gives home to a lot of works of art. 
  • Lazienki Park: This park is a beautiful park with a lot of green spaces and flowe carpets. It is very popular, families, young people, tourists and fans of classical music visit this park every Sunday afternoo to enjoy al fresco Chopin concerts. 

    Chopin Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  • Chopin Museum: This museum was constructed in the Ostrogski Palace and displays the work of the country’s most famous composer: Chopin.  
  • Warsaw rising Museum: One of Warsaw's best, this museum traces the history of the city. it has two floors: 
    • The ground floor begins with the division of Poland between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in 1939 and then moves through the major events of WWII.
    • The 1st floor exhibits a Liberator bomber(planes that were used to drop supplies).
    • The 2nd floor exhibits the start of the uprising of Poland in 1944. 


  • Faworki (Angel wings): they are a traditional sweet crisp pastry made out of dough that has been shaped into thin twisted ribbons, deep-fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar

  • Zrazy: It consist of beef, which is flavored with salt and pepper and stuffed withvegetables, mushrooms, eggs, and potato. then this stuffed meat is rolled and secured with thread. After that it is placed in a casserole with onion and various spices. . The casserole is then stewed at a low temperature. Sometimes is served topped with sour cream.
