Capital: Berlin
Geographical size: 357 340 km2
Population: 80 780 000 (2014)
Official EU language(s): German
Political system: federal parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 January 1958
Currency: Euro.


Berlin is the capital of Germany and one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.5 million people, it is the second most populous city in the European Union

  • ALEXANDERPLATZ: Alexanderplatz is a central square in Berlin. One of the  most visited square in the city. Alexanderplatz is the site of many attractions, shops and restaurants, for example: Kaufhof Gallery (shopping mal), the 365 metre TV Tower or the Fountain of Friendship amongst People.
  • EAST SIDE GALLERY: One of Berlin’s most photographed places. Is the largest remaining section of the Berlin Wall. In 1990, international artists came together to produce 101 paintings across its side.
  • CHEKPOINT CHARLIE:; is one of the most important crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin, during the Cold War. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany, the Checkpoint Charlie became a tourist attraction.

  • Museum Island:  museum island gives home to five of Berlin’s most important museums. This five museums are located on an island in River Spree. This five museums are:
    • Pergamon Museum
    • Bode Museum
    • Neues Museum
    • Alte Nationalgalerie
    • Altes Museum

The most famous and visted  museums are:
The Neues Museum: the museum is home to selected objects from the Egyptian Museum, the Papyrus Collection, the Museum of Prehistory and Early History. The star attraction at the Neues Museum remains the bust of Nefertiti.
- The Pergamon Museum: the spectacular Pergamon museum is one of the world’s most important archaeological museums. The main attraction at the Pergamon museum are: the Pergamon Altar (170 -159 BC)  the Roman Gate of Miletus (29 metres wide and almost 17 metres high) and the Islamic Art collection.  


  • The most typical dish in Berlin is Currywurst:    Currywurst is a steamed and fried pork sausage, cut into slices and seasoned with curry and ketchup and topped with curry powder. The dish is often served with French fries. People usually have it in the street as a take-away food (not in a restaurant).
