Czech Republic 

Capital: Prague
Geographical size: 78 867 km²
Population: 10 512 419 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Czech
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 May 2004
Currency: Czech koruna (CZK)


Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. It is the14th largest city in the European Union. Situated in the north-west of the country on the Vltava River, the city is home to about 1.26 million people.

  • Prague castle: The Prague Castle is a complex  that includes: the Old Royal Palace, three churches and a monastery . It is an enormous festival of architectural styles. There's no charge to enter the grounds of the castle, but you will need a ticket to see the main attractions: the Old Royal Palace, the Basilica of St George, the Golden Lane, the Daliborka Tower and the crypt and tower of St Vitus's Cathedral.
  • Vyšehrad Cemetery: Vyšehrad Cemetery is a popular attraction for many visitors, being the final resting place for dozens of Czech intellectuals as: Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana and Alfons Mucha. Many tombs are works of art. 
  • John lennon wall: After his murder on 8 December 1980 John Lennon became a pacifist hero for many young Czechs. An image of Lennon, political graffiti and Beatles lyrics were  painted on a wall in front of the French Embassy. The wall has been repainted it several times... But it always gets covered with more Lennon images and peace messages. 

  • The Židovské Muzeum (Jewish Museum): The Jewsish Museum comprises six different museums:
    • Klausova synagoga (Klausen Synagogue),
    • Maiselova synagoga (Maisel Synagogue),
    • Pinkasova synagoga (Pinkas Synagogue),
    • Obřadní síñ(Former Ceremonial Hall) 
    • Španšlská synagoga (Spanish Synagogue), 
    • Starý Židovský hřbitov (Old Jewish Cemetary).
  • Prague beer museum: This is a very popular museum with tourist and also with Praguers. There are more than 30 Czech-produced beers to taste. Visitors area ble to taste (using 0.15l glasses) five different  types off beers

  •  Kulajda soup: Soup (polevka) is very popular in Czech cuisine. Kulajda soup is cooked with potatoes,  mushrooms, cream, dill and garnished with poached eggs.

  • Svíčková na smetaně (beef sirloin in cream sauce): This dish is  the national dish of the Czech Republic. It consist of a beef sirloin served with gravy, bread dumplings and cranberry sauce or jam.    
