Capital: Zagreb
Geographical size: 56 594 km2
Population: 4 246 700 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Croatian
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 July 2013
Currency: Croatian Kuna HRK

Zagreb is the capital and the largest city of the Republic of Croatia. It is located in the northwest of the country, along the Sava river. In the last official census of 2011 the population of the City of Zagreb was 790,017.


  •  Zagreb cathedral: The cathedral is a must-see place. No local will ever let you leave the city if she or he hasn’t showed you the cathedral. Everyone is proud of this monument, and it really is a piece of art. It tells a lot of stories from the city’s past. One of those stories is one about the 1880 earthquake that destroyed Zagreb. 

  • The well of life (sculpture): The streets of Zagreb display hundreds of sculptures by renowned artists, but this one really can’t go unnoticed. Very expressive figures will certainly catch your attention for a minute or two. The important sculptor, Ivan Mestrovic, finish this sculpture with only 22 year old. The dramatic piece was acquired by the city of Zagreb more than a century ago, adorning the space in front of the National Theater building. 

  • St. Mark square: This square has been the center of medieval Zagreb. Today, it’s the centre of Croatian government and parliament. Most of the people say that it’s special and beautiful. It has been a witness of so many changes, including being abandoned by the city life.

  • Zagreb cicty museum: The Zagreb City Museum gives an interesting overview of the city's past. It's a great starting point to learn about Zagreb throughout the ages. The museum building is a historical site itself. There is an  archeological collection in the museum.
  • Naïve art museum: In this museum there are a lot of paintings by Croatian naive artists.  Although most of the artists are self-taught, each of them developed a unique Naive style.

  • Janjetina: It is a roasted lamb garnished with Mediterranean herbs.    

  • Kremsnitze: it is a vanilla and custard cream cake dessert popular in Romani. There are many regional variations, but they all include puff pastry base and custard cream.
