Capital: Sofia
Geographical size: 111 002 km²
Population: 7 245 677 (2014)
Official EU language(s): Bulgarian
Political system: parliamentary republic
EU member state since: 1 January 2007
Currency: Bulgarian lev BGN


Sofia is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria. Sofia is the 15th largest city in the European Union with population of more than 1.2 million people.

  • Aleksander Nevski Church:  One of the symbols n of Bulgaria. It is an impressive church that was built between 1882 and 1912 in memory of the 200,000 Russian soldiers who died fighting for Bulgaria’s independence during the Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)
  • Monument to the Soviet Army:  It is located at the entrance of Borisova Gradina (a park). This gigantic monument was built in 1954. The center of this sculpture is a soldier surrounded by a child and his mother and another soldier. 
  • Royal palace: Is the official residence of Bulgaria’s royal family. It houses the National Art Gallery and the Ethnographical Museum.


  • National Gallery for Foreign Art:  The National Gallery for Foreign Art in Sofia is the only one of its kind in the Balkans. The art of exotic tribes  coexists with the modern European tendencies and with traditional and religious art.

  • Archeological museum: It was built in 1496. In this museum there is a  big collection of Thracian, Roman and medieval artefacts. The main attractions of the museum are:  a mosaic floor from the Church of Sveta Sofia, a 4th-century BC Thracian gold burial mask, and a magnificent bronze head, thought to represent a Thracian king.


  • Shopska salata: Bulgaria’s internationally-renowned salad is a simple combo of diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and peppers, with grated cheese and parsley on top

  • Tarator:  Tarator is a refreshing cold soup.  It consist of a  yogurt-base soup with cucumbers, garlic, dill and sometimes walnuts(and even ice cubes!) 
