Capital: Vienna
Geographical size: 83 879 km²
Population: 8 507 786 (2014)
Official EU language(s): German
Political system: federal parliamentary republic
EU member country since: 1 January 1995
Currency: Euro. 

Vienna  is the capital and largest city of Austria, and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.8 million.

  • Houfburg: Nothing symbolises the culture of Austria more than this palace. This castle was the home base of the Habsburgs (Austrian kings) from 1273 to 1918. 
  • Staatsoper: Stasstsope is one of the most important concert halls in Europe. People can enjoy some concert  but if this is not possible they can visit  the museum or take a guided tour.
  • Schlos belvedere: Schlos (castle) belvedere is a masterpiece of total art and one of the world’s finest baroque palaces, designed by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt (1668–1745) for Prince Eugene of Savoy. It is a two building castle with an amazing garden.

  • The Museums Quartier:  is a remarkable set of museums, cafes, restaurants and bars inside former imperial stables designed by Fischer von Erlach. It is the perfect place to hang out and meet people. With over 60,000 square metres of exhibition space, the complex is one of the world’s most ambitious cultural spaces.
  • Haus derf musik: the Haus der Musik is an interesting and unusual museum. This museum explains the world of sound in a highly interactive way (in English and German) for both children and adults. There are 3 floors:
    • Floor 1 hosts the Museum of the Vienna Philharmonic .
    • Floor 2, called the Sonosphere , is packed with engaging instruments, interactive toys and touch screens.
    • Floor 3 covers Vienna’s classical composers 

  • Apfelstrudel: It is an apple-filled pastry. It is a traditional Viennese pastry and very popular in .
  • Tafelspitz: It is considered to be the national dish of Austria. It consist of boiled beef or veal, often served with a mix of minced apples and horseradish sauces. 
